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505 9th Ave South

Clinton, IA 52732

Who We Are & What We Believe

Victory Center ~ A Life Changing Ministry

Victory Center Ministries is a multi-faceted ministry located in the heart of Clinton, Iowa. Since its inception April 1987, Victory Center has been dedicated to providing services to the poor and needy in both the United States and third world countries. 

Victory Center Ministries has established Food for Hunger Programs and outreach ministries in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Philippines, Brazil, Kenya and other countries. While our homeless shelter in Clinton, Iowa provides services, temporary residence and transitional housing programs for men, women and children. Most importantly, Victory Center Ministries provides a caring and supportive environment where lives are changed!

Victory Center Ministries was founded by Apostle Ray Gimenez in 1987, as an emergency homeless shelter for men, women and families. He is blessed to work alongside his wife, Mary Anne, as she is the director of the Victory Center's Women and Children's Shelter. Together they passionately preach and teach God's word out in the mission field and work to see souls saved and people transformed by the Power of a living God. Ray Gimenez served as National Director of Hispanic Ministries for Open Bible Churches. He is also quite proud to have played for five years with the Detroit Tigers Farm Club, giving up his pursuit of the majors to follow God's calling!


All who are in need of assistance! Whether it’s homelessness, addiction or poverty we are here to serve you by offering individuals the opportunity to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.


Victory Center Rescue Mission of Clinton, Iowa does not accept any federal, state or city funding. Our Ministries are totally supported through the generous tax-deductible contributions and donations of churches and supporters. To donate, Please send a check to PO Box 1694, Clinton, IA 52732 or

 Make a gift online.

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